Friday, December 9, 2011

25 - Just Talk Anything I Like

Yes! You are not dreaming, I am back in action.

After so many month, days, hours, minute and second, I finally free. Not going to make any promise in this blog anymore, because I always broke it and hurt you all. I feel so bad. LOL 

The second last post I posted was on this year April, 8 month ago. Not so bad, not more than a years.  
Is normal that many things happened throughout the year and I realize I changed a lot.
I am busy throughout the year, busy with assignments, scouting, family and friends stuff and others. I already get used to sleep at 1am or 2am everyday. Sometime I can don't sleep for more than 24 hours. I also started to skip breakfast and lunch because of assignments work in this year. I am force to get use to this kind of life. I don't hate it nor enjoy it,. When I see the result or outcome, I will think is worth it and there is high satisfaction on it. I do believe hard work will pay off in the end, if it don't pay off, at least I won't have any regret, because I did my best. But still feel sad. haha
My body health will become an issue to me when I grow older, so picky on every meal some more.Luckily I did a lot outdoor activity and sweat a lot, but the outdoor activity is not a sports. Now I am having holiday, so is time to live healthy a bit. haha 

My holiday started last Friday. This holiday is so brilliant. Last Friday, after exam, straight go to Komanwel  Park to help out in the scout camp until Monday. Tuesday, rest at home and eat many good foods. Wednesday, got a paint job, paint the house gate. Thursday, went to cinema watched 2 movies. 

Suppose to go college today to see the film screening by this semester film studies students, Chutipond and Ashley film is there too. Wake up quite early today, but lazy to go college and got better things to do at home, so changed my mind, don't go college.
I clear my tables today. My tables is flooded with tone of paper, books, stationary, toys and many stuff. As usual, my table will be only clean and tidy during holidays. Every time I clean my tables, I will remind back a lot of memories when I see my old stuff.
Wash all my bags today too. Do my scout service badges logbook and write this post.
Haven't finish clean up yet, cause I very slack, keep playing with old stuff and my laptop. Still got 20 percent more to clear. haha

Mora activity coming soon in my holiday. Going SMK Tropicana for scout activity tomorrow. haha. Maybe going Singapore. Mom ask me to go, I still wondering. The reason of why am I wondering is.......tell you on the next post. Long story to tell.haha

This post looks like diary. haha. Not good, not good. 

Okay, don't want it to be too long. I got so many things to talk, but save it for next post only la.

As usual, got random picture. The picture speaks louder than word. 
From now on, I don't edit any photo in my blog. Unless the photo is not snap by me. Edit photo is waste of time. Edit photo is for those people that don't have good photography skill. Got the skill there, then apply it, why rely on photo editing software, waste time and more work. The skill will also rust when rely too much on photo editing software. 
I make sure every photo I snap, nice and no need edit. 


I don't know what is this, is some part from the ancient old train. haha. 

Guess who is that? I think you all know who she is, if you study same high school as me. haha. 

Pose like a model. 

Taken all of this picture in KL. Take train go to KL more than 15 times in this year, for photography assignments purpose and for fun. 


Clarice said...

trying to say my photography skills bad la~~~ lol

btw i like ur that "pose like a model" picture

Tick said...

LOL. U perasan only.
If people know the skill, still edit, can say they are lazy and no skill. haha. especially on DSLR.
Ur one different story, haha.
If edit photo for work purpose or some effect that camera cant do it, then ok la. haha

haha. Thanks. I got a lot that kind of photo, curi curi use zoom lens snap one. haha.