Friday, November 21, 2008

Tagged wor..........................

by ann.....
The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules. List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
  1. a normal guy
  2. always dreaming
  3. hate study
  4. love to listening music
  5. seldom play computer games
  6. like to eat food in every time
  7. like scouting
  8. love to sleep.........
  1. Jen Weng
  2. Yong Ching
  3. Chee Meng
  4. Choky Dong
  5. PU3
  6. Ken Chia
  7. Fern
  8. Travis Tai
First Name-Kwang
Name u wish to have-I like my name ,so dun have.....=p
What do people normally mistake your name as-TickTick(gave by Luke Tan)
Birthplace-somewhere in Malaysia
Time of Birth-???
Single or Taken-???
Zodiac Sign-Go check from somewhere,i don't noe =p

-Your Appearance-
How tall are you-170-180....
Wish You were taller-I like my height now ,so .....=p
Eye colour-???
Eye colour you want-????
Natural hair colour-Black
Current hair colour-Black
Short or Long hair-short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre colour-no
Last time You did something dramatic with your hair-no
Glasses ot contacts-glasses
Do you wear make up-no
Ever had hair extension -no
paint your nail-no

-In opposite gender-
What colour eye-wat colout also can
What colour hair-wat colour also can
Shy or outgoing-both
Sexy or cute-both
Serious or fun-both
Older or Younger than you-younger and not older too much
A turn on-??
A turn off-??

-This or That-
Flowers or Chocolates-
Pepsi or Coke-coke
Rap or Rock-rock
Relationship or one night stand-relationship
School or Work-both
Love or Money-depend....
Movie or Music-both
Country or City-??
Sunny or Rainy day-both
Friends or Family-both

-Have you ever-
Lie-yes,a lot of time
Stole something-no
Hurt someone close to you-yes
Broke someone's heart-no
Had you Heart broken-no
Wondered what's wrong with you-dunno
Wish a prince or a princess-???
Liked someone who was taken-yes
Shaved your head-no
Used chopstick-stupid question
Sang in mirror to yourself-no

Flower-any flower
Candy-any candy
Song-too many..............
Movies-too many.....
Jay Chou,郭静,卫兰,侧田,Linkin Park,........a lot.....

Ever cry over someone-..??....
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself-nth
Do you think you are attractive-ask my family and friends
If you have to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose-????
Do you play any sports-yah......

I feel like the first part of tag is asking you to fill ur "surat anak beranak",just only don't have parents information...haha.......

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